My Mystery Cleaning Fairy

I came home after church today my house was totally clean my HUGE mound of laundry was gone. I knew right off it had to be my mother-in-law cause, as Justin said, "She's the only would who could have humanly possibly done it," (speaking from his experience living at home). So, I called her and sure enough I was right. She cleaned my entire house and took my laundry to her house to wash, dry and fold. I was in complete shock at this wonderful surprise. Now, I have to say, a couple of years ago that might have made me mad or frustrated. I have sort of a complex when it comes to people helping me. Especially when it's the one person I feel like I'm being compared to daily by my husband. (He says he doesn't do that, but I'm not convinced). Anyway, I tend to take other people's help as an insult as if they think I'm not doing a good job or just don't know how to do it effectively. Surprisingly, I did not feel that way today at all. I felt blessed, humbled, and grateful that someone cared enough to lend a hand. She knew I had a bad day yesterday and wanted to do something for me and I am thankful.

I've been trying really hard to accept and ask people (other than my parents or my aunt) for help more and this was a true test that I've matured (even if just a little) in marriage and motherhood. I think having 3 children have something to do with it. I've decided that once you have more than 2 kids that are pre-schoolers, the game plan changes. It's not so much getting everything done, it's just making sure you have something clean to wear the next day and no major accidents occur. I may not be super mom, super nanny, or super clean, but I'm me and I'm learning to be ok with that. I'll take all the help I can get and I'm ok with the fact that I'm not always able to do everything perfectly. So, thank you Sugar (what my kids call my mother-in-law), that was a great gift!! I knew that key I gave you would come in handy one day and it did.


Christina said…
that's awesome! My mother-in-law left us 100.00 yesterday so we could take the kids to the polar express In Dec. so I had a mother-in-law blessing this weekend as well!

Yea for mother-in-laws!! :)

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