
Showing posts from 2011


I'm thirty today! First I was going to make a list of 30 things I wanted to do in my thirties that I didn't do in my twenties like write a book, get out of debt, visit New York City, etc...., but then all of it seemed a little shallow and empty. Then I was going to write about my fears of being 30 and the higher level of expecations of others now that I'm no longer a baby in my twenties. But that just turned out really depressing. So, I started again. Not sure what really to write about, but I thought being that it is my thirtieth birthday I should blog something. I guess I felt like I needed to blog on this day because it seems like new chapter of my life. My twenties were great! I got married, got a degree, had three amazing children, and we bought our first house. I had lots of life altering events in one decade. I doubt the thirties can top it. But I don't think that's what getting older is about. God doesn't necessarily intend for us all to do b