
Showing posts from June, 2014

When is God Good?

As I lie here awake in the hospital for hopefully the last night of this stay here I have a flood of thoughts going through my mind. I'm recapping all that has transpired in our family in the last 2 months and its all pretty overwhelming to throw them all in one pot and stir them up! First Sidney's thyroid, then my car flooded (which has been an insurance nightmare; we are still in a rental), and now Paisley's surgery. Not to mention a few other odd hiccups along the way.  God has shown me a lot in the last few months. I wonder if He allows certain trials to happen in order to widen our scope to better see the truth in His word when new trials arise.  God has definitely protected us and been very merciful through the last several months with all that has happened and I praise Him for that. There's one reason I hesitate to say, "God is good" in response to Him blessing us through these circumstances. God IS good, BUT the truth is God is sovereign and even i