Why I think I'm ADD and shouldn't have to take a test to find out

I went to a psychologist, Dr. Sid Epperson, today to see about getting tested for ADD. My family Doctor referred me to him. The following happenings and situations should prove that I have ADD and do not need a test to tell me this.......

-My appt. was at 1:00 and they told me to get there early. I planned to leave my house at 12:40 and didn't walk out the door until 12:50 and then still had to go back inside to get my phone which I could not find and ended up being under the sheets on my bed... yes, I made the bed with my phone in it. So, I didn't actually leave until 12:56.

-I had to call on the way to find out where they were located b/c, no, I hadn't even done THAT yet.......ugh!!!!! Luckily I knew right where it was and it wasn't too far away.

-I have no clue what time it was when i walked in the door and they just put me straight back and let me fill out my paper work afterwards (since I was late, obviously). It didn't even cross my mind to tell them on the phone that I was running late OR appologize for being late when I did get there.

-I thought the questions he was asking me WAS the Tova test (ADD test) until he said at the end of our conversation, "We will schedule you to take the Tova test in a couple of weeks......"

-I couldn't answer all of his questions mainly because I wasn't paying attention......... ha, gotcha! (not really) it was because I can't remember anything!

-When I went back to the front when we were finished, they gave me 2 different packets of papers, one was to take home and fill out and the other was my medical history and release forms for my file. It was about 15 minutes into filling out the paper work that I realized I was filling out the take home packet instead of the office papers. VERY frustrating!!!!

-When I went to turn in my paper work, I found my keys sitting at the front window and have no memory of me getting them out of my purse or laying them there.

So, there you have it. If I do in fact turn out to have ADD, I may create a new blog recording my daily ADD mishaps and uhhhh, what were we talking about again?.....oh yeah, my mishaps and humorous shortfalls. Nothing like some good Kacie humor, right?


Anonymous said…
Kacie, this is hilarious. Love Mom
Bonny said…
Yeah! Excited about finding your blog!
Anonymous said…
I can so relate...

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