My Girls

I thought I would post some new pictures of my girls. We went to get Sidney's 4 year old pictures taken at sears as well as Paisley's 3 month pics. (Lachlan will have to wait til he turns 2, once they turn 1 I only take them around their birthday.) Also, I have three new Sidney funnies:

1) She went to get me a towel off the bed the other morning and when she brought it to me she said, "What does black and purple make?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "I guess it makes brown." I said, "Why do you say that." She said, "because when I went to get the towel (which was purple) since the light was off it looked brown."

2) Sidney was screaming in her room in a high pitched voice and it was making Lachlan (who was supposed to be asleep) scream. I called for her to come here so I could tell her to stop. She said, " Well, I'm playing with my Barbie car and I'm making the Weeooo Weeoo sound so I'm going to keep doing it."
3) We were at the mall the other day and it's very common for us to get a soft pretzel while we're there. I asked her if she would rather just go get some lunch like at Chick-fil-a and she said, "No I want a pretzel, I only like brown food."


Christina said…
Brown food. That is SOOOO funny!!! What color are chicken nuggets?? I love the pictures!

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