The Changing of Seasons- The Growing Family is Growing UP!

I knew this time would come eventually; when my kids would discover their wings and start practicing for the day they fly away. The last few years with our big three kids have been like watching little birds jumping and fluttering above the nest. I'm not sure how bird families actually do it but for us, this fluttering gives them a taste of what is beyond the nest. They long to experience and explore life outside the bundle of twigs, but they aren't quite ready to go on their own. As a parent, we must offer to take them, help them understand and navigate the world around them, and eventually they will be ready to explore and manage life on their own. I didn't anticipate this sort of thing to happen with all three big kids at the same time, but it has in a way. I'm so grateful for how God has led and provided for them all and pray for the grace and strength to lead and guide them well through these transitioning years.

Before I get into the personal details, I have to stop and just say "Wow!" what a CRAZY month it's been for the Carnley house. This month has been full of Camp, camp, did I say camp? oh and one more camp!! LOL First of all we all served in our church's version of VBS called Grow Camp. After that, Paisley began working at a camp in Zavalla for the summer, she did come home for one week...only to go with her brothers to ANOTHER camp with her youth group. That was Camp Fuego in Louisiana where (warning: Mom brag) she received Camper of the Week! She was gifted several prizes with this award including a new Bible AND she can go to Fuego for free the next two years if she so chooses!! WHAT?!? CRAZY right!? So proud of this kid! We keep saying "she's in her element" when she's at summer camp!  Whew...does that sound like enough camp? You better sit down, Im only getting started!!! On Sunday June 23rd, Paisley returned to Camp His Way to work the rest of the summer there and THAT SAME DAY I went as a counselor to Preteen camp with Gavin (yes, he did two camps back to back)! We returned Wednesday the 26th and Sadie and I packed up and with 8 other adults from church, I took 24 1st-3rd graders to Camp His Way for the weekend. It was so great seeing Paisley in action for a few days and getting to hang with my church family! We returned Sunday the 30th!! Whew!! I believe that covers all the camps we attended for this 2024! lol However, Lachlan and Gavin will be leaving next week with our student ministry for Mission Arlington. I had the privilege to go as a sponsor last summer and did food prep/cooking for our kids! It was a blast. This is a fantastic ministry where groups of teens spread out all over the community, lead bible clubs for kids at apartment complexes, and provide basic necessities for low-income families. I'm excited that the boys get this opportunity to serve again in this way. Please pray for our group and their leaders that all goes smoothly, everyone stays hydrated in the heat, and God works in mighty ways in the lives of our students and those who cross their paths.

As if that wasn't enough craziness, camp and ministry is actually not the only thing that ran us wild last month. We've had lots of changes in our family this summer and more on the horizon. I'm really feeling the beginning of a big shift in seasons for us. Sidney is now 20 and working at Cheddar's here in Lufkin (go see her and tip her good lol). She's been saving money to move out by the end of the year. In a crazy and miraculous way, God has blessed her with the cutest affordable, furnished, secluded loft apartment that she is now leasing on her own. It's truly a magical little treasure tucked away here in our town. Some family and close friends were able to visit last night and bless her with some much-needed items to set up house! This place is just so HER and we are so happy for her! Please pray as she adjusts to living on her own embracing her full independence. Also pray with us that God reminds her daily that she is surrounded by people who love and support her as she explores life outside the nest and seeks God's plan for her future! 

Sidney is not the only one embracing a big life shift. Lachlan (17) would be a senior this upcoming school year, but he has been working on finishing his last few high school credits this summer and will graduate early on August 9th. Woohoo!!! He received a music scholarship at Angelina College here in Lufkin and plans to enroll at AC full-time this fall. We do not know what's in store for him just yet, but we know God's got him in the palm of his hand. Pray for God's direction and provision for Lachlan as he begins this new journey of adulthood. So excited for him and proud of his diligence. 

Justin is back at work after taking several weeks off with a very painful herniated disk in his lower back. So far, surgery isn't necessary but he's still slowly getting better. Keep him in your prayers, too! I know there's so much more I could share, but I'll just stick with the highlights. I'm looking forward to being back home this month before school starts back in August.  I appreciate your prayers as we navigate the logistics of our different schedules, plans, jobs, transportation, and all the things this new season will throw our way. We are trusting God with all things and are very excited to see Him work in such an incredible way in our "growing up" family! 

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20


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