Things that bother me or that I simply don't like

-most all church signs (message boards)
-local commercials (they are always corny, low budget and usually contain an inside joke that only the workers of the company would understand)
-most fruity candy, I prefer chocolate
-unsweet cornbread
-unsweet tea
-rootbear, yuck (Justin and Sidney love it and I think it smells like nasty medicine)
-Larry the cable guy and his famous phrase "Get -r done"
-A street in North Texas named "Coit" ( It makes my teeth cringe to say it)
-The name of a business in Denton called "Shax's" (for some reason that always bothered me.
-when people ask me a question with no intention of listening to the answer and start talking before I'm done answering (I'm trying to be aware of doing this myself since it bothers me so much)
-domino's pizza
-square meat, you know what I'm talking about
-most country music
-Raisin cookies, there supposed to be chocolate disappointing
-Sugar cookies that look like peanut butter cookies...also disappointing
-Useless email forwards especially the ones that evoke guilt for deleting... I delete in freedom
-"Irregardless", it's "regardless", but so many people say "irregardless "that it's actually in the dictionary as "nonstandard or humorous usage"
-when people can't say their l's and say things like code or showders
-when people say "warsh" instead of "wash"

I'm sure there's more, but I'm getting tired.

one last thought........this isn't something that really bothered me but I thought of it while making this list and thought it was funny enough to blog. There was a business in Denton called J. Hester Poperties and a good friend of mine who lived there when we did almost always called it J. Hester "Pryne" Properties. (for some of you who may not know, Hester Pryne is the main character in the novel The Scarlet Letter.)


Natalie Jansen said…
I like this post! And the lat one about Sidney! lol
Christina said…
what do you mean by square meat? Like lunch meat? or square hamburgers patties like Wendys?
Kacie said…
I mean Wendy's........there's something not very appetizing about a square slab of meat on a burger. It might be good, but I can't bring myself to try it.
angela adams said…
Glad I didn't make the list! I like your blog....I'm a first-timer.

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