Civil War: Carnleyrica
General Kacie Carnley of North Carnleyrica, declared a Civil War today. Captain Sidney Pearl of Sidneyland and Colonel Lachlan Stone of Lachlanville, both in South Carnleyrica, are not letting up. They joined forces today and set off an explosion of, what appears to be, an entire can of Altoids. The explosion occurred at exactly 1630 hours in the central region of Sidneyland. Officials are trying to determine why the explosion occurred on their own land and are investigating the possibility of a power struggle among these southern troops. No casualties have been reported, however two young ladies, ironically both named Barbie, appear to have some minor skin discolorations from the excessive white powder that covered this southern region. There have been reports of a militia being formed for the South today, as well. The militia is being led by the very young and ardent patriot, Paisley Jewel or "Lieutenant P.J." She has not posed a huge problem for the North yet, due to her l