Bring On The Broken
Growing up we had a tradition in our home on Christmas morning to all gather in my parents' room and pray before going into the living room to open our gifts! Dad would usually pray and might read some scripture as well. We did Santa gifts, but there was never any confusion on what Christmas was really about. My parents made Christmas so fun for me and my brother! Justin and I have continued this tradition in our home as well. Yesterday morning all of our kids piled up in our bed as Justin prayed for us before we opened presents. His prayer really stood out to me. He said, "we're glad these gifts we receive will eventually break because it's a reminder that nothing we have here compares to the gift of your son." Wow! What an amazing perspective?! I'm always so overwhelmed with the gift giving part of Christmas. As fun as it is, I know it's a lot of money for things that won't last. But maybe that's a good thing! Maybe God can use the fallible a