Are You Oppressed or Depressed?

If you're like me, you either have way to much to do and stressing out or you are depressed and looking for something to satisfy you. I rarely find myself in a state of complete contentment. It's kind of like when taking a picture. You zoom in and out trying to find the perfect angle and distance and it keeps going too far one way or the other. Do you ever feel like that in life?

What is your picture of complete contentment? Mine is sitting quietly alone by my fireplace (an imaginary one since we don't have one) in December sipping on a cup of hot chocolate while enjoying a good book. This scene also includes my house being perfectly clean with no laundry or dishes to do and, of course, all of my scrapbook albums up to date. I know you're probably saying, "Yeah, good luck with that." It's just a dream, but I long for that day to come. I may be nearly 100 years old when it happens, but I hope not.

I don't believe my problem is really the unrealistic dream. It's this life cycle I've put myself into that is making it impossible. It usually starts with over committing myself into severe anxiety and exhaustion then once my commitments are fulfilled one by one, I tend to get depressed. I get so used to the crazy fast pace motion of life that when it slows down, it gets me down. After a while of wallowing in self pity, I start looking for ways to lift myself up and then just end up with too much to do again and the cycle starts all over. When I'm oppressed I don't have time to do the things I enjoy doing and when I'm depressed I don't want to do the things I enjoy doing. It seems like no matter what I do I'm either up or down; there's no middle ground. Maybe I need to see a psychiatrist, I don't know. I may be wrong, but I think we all get stuck in this cycle sometimes. We're not comfortable unless we're miserable which makes no sense at all.

We need to be careful not to overextend ourselves, but at the same time be mindful of the needs of others and willing to make sacrifices to help. Don't say yes to every opportunity that comes along, but don't say no to them all either. When you are feeling oppressed, ask for help, but when you are depressed, do something for someone else. I'm no expert, but I think this is the best way to find some emotional middle ground.


Christina said…
When I read your blog, it made me think of a verse. I had to look it up but its the middle part of Ecclesiasities 3:11. It says, "He has also set eternity in the hearts of men," Honestly, I could be wrong on this but to me it means that we are made for something more than our life on earth. We are longing for Heaven even though we don't realize it. We are yearning to be in the perfect place of God's presence. It doesn't mean we don't have work to do while we are here and that God doesn't want us to experience any joy while we are here, but I don't think we will ever be truly satisfied until we are with Him. Thanks for your honesty. You're one of my most favorite people and I miss you!
Read Ecc. 3:9-14 when you get a chance.
Christina said…
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