
The Changing of Seasons- The Growing Family is Growing UP!

I knew this time would come eventually; when my kids would discover their wings and start practicing for the day they fly away. The last few years with our big three kids have been like watching little birds jumping and fluttering above the nest. I'm not sure how bird families actually do it but for us, this fluttering gives them a taste of what is beyond the nest. They long to experience and explore life outside the bundle of twigs, but they aren't quite ready to go on their own. As a parent, we must offer to take them, help them understand and navigate the world around them, and eventually they will be ready to explore and manage life on their own. I didn't anticipate this sort of thing to happen with all three big kids at the same time, but it has in a way. I'm so grateful for how God has led and provided for them all and pray for the grace and strength to lead and guide them well through these transitioning years. Before I get into the personal details, I have to st

A Different Kind of Renew

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.   For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!   So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.  2 Corinthians 4:16-18 "We're getting ready to do some remodeling in our house."  I've said this over a dozen times since the end of the summer. Justin and I have mulled over a variety of projects we would like to tackle but decided to give our kids' rooms a facelift first. We've purchased new flooring, all new beds and some other accessories along the way. The kids picked out their new color schemes and room themes months ago. There's only been one setback, we could never seem to actually get started. So many things had

He Doesn't Have a Plan

"...And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20 As a teen and young adult, I used to lie awake in my bed at night contemplating all the different ways pain and suffering might visit me. Traumatic stories I had heard from others included words like “unexpected”, “unaware”, “freak accident”, or simply “we had no idea.” So I took that as a challenge and convinced myself that if I could just imagine all the possible perilous scenarios, they wouldn’t happen. Eventually the probability of my own oblivion became the main source of my anxiety.    Needless to say, I was unsuccessful in my efforts to expect the unexpected. During these times of gripping fear, I found comfort in being surrounded by my family. Their presence didn’t minimize my fear nor did it lessen my risk of danger, but being with them made my anxiety more bearable by simply knowing I wasn’t alone. Through the years, God has made this more real to me now as a parent. When my ki

It’s a Life Full of Wonder

  In the movie It’s A Wonderful Life , when George Bailey had his breakdown and got his wish to have never been born, he had an incredible experience. He got to see what it would be like for everyone he knew and loved to reject and hate him. During his time, with only Clarence the angel as his friend, he essentially ended up homeless and alone. Ironically the reasons for his breakdown included problems with his job, house, and family. It became pretty clear that George’s biggest problem wasn’t his problems, but rather his failure to let go of his own expectations for his life and fully embrace the wonder of the life he’d been given. When George finally came out of his dream state and returned to his family, he soon realized what a blessed life he had all along. Everything that once caused him grief and worry were now a sight for sore eyes. He even felt excited to see Mr. Potter, his worst enemy! George quickly realized that all the fulfilled dreams and money in the world was no match f

The Dark Light

When I was a young mom in my early twenties with my first baby on my hip, I began reading and listening to a self-proclaimed "whistle blower" of the FDA and pharmaceutical companies. He claimed that all our medication we take and food we eat are manufactured specifically to keep us addicted , fat and sick. His assumptions based on his research showed that the producers of such goods were profiting from keeping people in need of their commodities. The more addicted we are to the food, the more we eat the food, the sicker we become consequently needing more medications. Me and my savvy college educated self thought I'd seen the light and uncovered some secret truth. This author used many seemingly reliable sources and much of his claims seemed valid and verifiable. Coupled with my own awareness of the rise of obesity, illnesses, and food allergies, it all naturally fit like a puzzle in my mind. Within a matter of days, I allowed this one man’s claims to drastically

Love Eternal

My brother Jason and his wife Rachel moved from Texas to Maryland in 2005. We are a close knit family so saying goodbye was understandably difficult. I miss my brother and sister. I’m grateful for any time we get to spend together, but we’re all just doing our best to follow Jesus and raise our kids. Our conversations are few and far between, but I know at any moment we can pick up wherever we left off. Although I’m sad that our families do not get to be together regularly, I’ve seen God’s hand at work in both of our lives and I’m convinced we’re exactly where He wants us.    It’s evident that God had a purpose in His plans despite the distance and seeing how he uses us in our individual places brings me much joy.    That joy comes from  realization that a our love for each other has little to do with us, but EVERYTHING to do with our love for God. It’s no longer temporary. It’s eternal. Whatever time we get here is a gift, but we get to look forward to spending eternity together.

The Person of Peace

" You will keep in perfect peace  all who trust in you,   all whose  thoughts are fixed on you!" Isaiah 26:3 “ So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and  faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” John‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭ A few months ago a local news story surfaced about an active shooter in a nearby town. He fled the scene and went into hiding, but law enforcement later found him hiding in the home of some friends of ours. This made me consider how ironic the occupations are of those we employ to restore peace and order. Generally speaking, I wouldn’t equate peace with a SWAT team breaching the door of a home in search of an assailant, but that’s exactly their goal. Armed and armored, police officers intentionally enter a situation of chaos and disorder in order to restore peace. Many people work and live their lives doing this on a regular basis. From medical emergency personnel